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@theruin.hiriketiya has launched a beautiful new beach bar and Latino inspired restaurant with amazing sunset positioning. With regular sunset DJ sessions this is certainly a place to BE & BE SEEN.
When you have arguably the best rooftop view in Hiriketiya, it only makes sense to host some fantastic music nights. Taboo dishes up great tunes, and great cocktails several times a week. Check them out @taboo.hiriketiya for more information.
Clear Point (only 50m from SALT) host a variety of nightlife events, ranging from traditional Sri Lankan dancing nights to Karaoke Thursdays, to the ‘Secret Jungle Patry’ on a Saturday evening. If you in the mood for something more relaxed, you can always opt for a meal, drink and a game of pool.
The biggest player in the bay is certainly DOTS BAY HOUSE, who regularly bring some of the world’s best DJs in for a Saturday night session. During the week Dots often host open mike nights and many other fantastic events. Check out their event schedule @botsbayhouse
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